What I’ve done and what I want to do

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What I’ve done:

My first year out of college I worked as a professional photographer for Lifetouch Preschool Portraits(R). It was an amazing “fresh-out-of-college” job and I was fortunate enough to receive photography training that has stayed with me through the years. But it was all studio-photography… set up the muslin, place prop, pose kid with prop, snap a full-length and a headshot and move onto the next. It got monotonous and I soon realized my future wasn’t going to be spent in a studio.

Over the next couple years I jumped around to a couple jobs before finding one that stuck (I’m now approaching 3 years with my company). I never got out of photography completely, but it definitely was put on the back-burner while I settled into my “big girl” job, bought a “big girl” house and got settled into “big girl” life.

But now that I’m settled (for the most part… sort of…) I want to pick up my camera again and get serious about it. Hence my desire to become a photographer (again… but for real this time!) I have the means, I have the time, I have the passion… now, I’ve just got to keep up the motivation without letting all my other “life stuff” get in the way.

What I want to do:

I want to become a successful, working freelance photographer. I want people to call me up and say, “Hey I’m getting married – will you take our engagement and/or wedding photos?” or “Hey I’ve got some kiddos that I want nice pictures of – can I hire you?” or “Hey, I have an extra $10,000 laying around that I’ve decided to give you just for kicks” (okay, that last one may not be entirely photography-related, but it’s still something I’d like someone to call me and say.)

Much of my photography in the recent years has just been for fun and has been nature-related (landscapes, flowers, etc.) Sure, I take pictures of friends and family when the situation arises, but not in the “portraiture” sense. So this year I want to get more involved with portraiture. I want to practice and build a portfolio so I can start getting clients someday. I want to build a brand and establish an online presence. I want to make a name for myself in this world of freelance photography.

P.S. No matter how many “big girl” things I do I still don’t consider myself an adult. Anyone else feel the same?! 🙂

2 thoughts on “What I’ve done and what I want to do

  1. You are an inspiration to me, E, and I love how you have always managed to incorporate photography in your life. I have known you for too many years to count, and I would say “photographer” would absolutely be a word I would use to describe you. I am so excited that you are starting this blog and following your dream, and even more excited I get to watch you as you go through this process.

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